4 SIGMA Innovations LLC YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1i-1iwNv26YUrKMzHXk4nQ Google+: https://plus.google.com/+4sigmallc RSS: https://4sigmallc.com/feed/4sigmallc-feed.xml About Us 4 SIGMA Innovations LLC designs and develops consumer oriented solutions that: Improve the consumer's quality of life by saving time, reducing hassles and reducing expenses Keep America strong by relying on US manufacturing as much as possible Reduce consumer waste for the benefit of future generations Conserve natural resources for the benefit of the environment Our products include: Spotted Lanternfly Tree Barrier Strip http://4sigmallc.com/home.htm#spottedlanternflybarrierstrip Secure Fit Pool Cover Clip http://4sigmallc.com/home.htm#poolcoverclips Beach Umbrella Post http://4sigmallc.com/home.htm#beachumbrellapost Made in the USA! Watch us grow as we build upon each success. 4 SIGMA Innovations LLC USA Manufacturing Partners: Valley Extrusions: http://www.valley-extrusions.com/ Erin Rope Company: http://www.erinrope.com/ Creative Extrusion & Technologies: https://creativeet.com/ Shamrock Seals: https://shamrockseals.com/ Spotted Lanternfly Tree Barrier Strip 4 SIGMA Innovation's latest production-ready product is the patent-pending Spotted Lanternfly Tree Barrier Strip. The Spotted Lanternfly Barrier Strip is an innovative design that keeps Lanternflies from climbing upward beyond the point of application. The barrier strip is 12 ft long, enough for 2 to 4 mature trees, and comes with an absorbent wick. The wick provides a source for plant-based oil (not provided) that enhances the effectiveness of the barrier strip by affecting the Lanternfly's tarsal claws and its ability to climb. We recommend plant-based oil from the EPA's Minimum Risk Pesticide list such as Soybean oil or from the EPA's Biopesticide list such as Canola oil. Our Barrier Strip is best used on isolated trees that Lanternflies climb to launch themselves toward more distant areas, trees that are susceptible to heavy feeding (Birch, Maple, Willow, and the Tree of Heaven) and trees with many egg masses from the previous season as they will likely be targeted again. The Spotted Lanternfly Barrier Strip is most effective against mid-to-late instars through fully developed adults because they are mobile and frequently approach their targeted tree from the shaded ground under the tree canopy. Find out more on Indiegogo and follow us on Facebook for product development and availability alerts. Or Contact Us. Contact Us: http://4sigmallc.com/home.htm#contact Indiegogo: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/spotted-lanternfly-tree-collar/coming_soon Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slftreecollar/ Spotted Lanternfly News and Information: http://4sigmallc.com/Spotted-Lanternfly-Tree-Barrier-Strip.htm Spotted Lanternfly Tree Collar Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1i-1iwNv26YUrKMzHXk4nQ News alerts and reference material: http://4sigmallc.com/Spotted-Lanternfly-Tree-Barrier-Strip.htm Guidelines for Horticultural oil use with the Spotted Lanternfly Tree Barrier Strip: http://4sigmallc.com/files/images/Horticultural-oil-chart.jpg Purchase now Purchase Complete Product https://www.ebay.com/itm/303614306722 Purchase Replacement Wick https://www.ebay.com/itm/294139112703 Secure Fit Pool Cover Clip System Secure your pool's cover the 4 SIGMA way! 4 SIGMA Innovations' unique pool cover clip is designed to grasp pool ledge features to hold your cover securely in place with less stress on you, the pool and the cover! Innovative asymmetric design provides multiple contact points. Flexible, resilient material with a wide, open-anchor cross-section accepts pool ledges the competitor's clips cannot. Integrated catch lip makes installation a snap and removal a breeze... no pounding required as with two-piece systems! 22" length - easier to install with only one piece recommended per pool section; two may be needed in high wind areas. Economical and reusable; buy once for a lifetime of use. Above Ground Pool Cover Clip: http://4sigmallc.com/pool-cover-clips.htm Secure in High Winds Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_ulWPSC6xY Purchase now eBay https://www.ebay.com/itm/22-Secure-Fit-Above-Ground-Swimming-Pool-Cover-Clips-10-Pack-MADE-IN-USA/303653303481 Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Secure-Winter-Cover-Ground-inches/dp/B00R9WWEI8 Please note: shipping costs are not refunded. Please consider requesting a sample before you buy. https://www.ebay.com/itm/6-SAMPLE-Secure-Fit-Pool-Cover-Clip-TRY-BEFORE-YOU-BUY/303447389927 Post for Beach Umbrella Existing beach umbrellas require digging, twisting, hammering or filling bags with sand to safely secure them in-place. Our patented, suction-activated beach post can be securely installed in 12 inches of moist sand, while sitting in a beach chair, in under 6 seconds. This product takes the hassle out of setting-up camp, allowing you to enjoy time with family, friends or a good book quicker than the incoming ocean wave. Contact Us to learn more: http://4sigmallc.com/home.htm#contact Post for Beach Umbrella Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/1p6QX57UpyM Thank you very much for trying our product. All comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Testimonials Our Customers say: "I have owned a pool for over ten years, by far this was the easiest and fastest I have ever closed my pool. I love the way you have it set up with the ropes going across the pool for the cover. I was able to pull the cover over without getting the water on it. The clips for the cover are great., no more playing around with the wire. This closing system is great!" Thanks, Danny "If you have ever had to fight the wind to keep your pool cover down, then look no further than the Secure Fit Pool Cover Clip. The clip will keep the wind from getting under the cover and will make your cover last longer. Definitely try the sample first and you will be amazed. My sample stayed on the ledge against 40+ MPH winds before I got my 10 pack of 22" clips. Now I can relax when the wind blows and you can too! Fast shipping was the best." John B. Toccoa Ga. Thank you Danny and John! Also for the suggestions! Check out our Installation guide for tips and tricks! http://4sigmallc.com/Secure-Fit-Pool-Cover-Clip-System-installation-guide.htm Contact us By email: customerservice@4sigmallc.com By postal mail: 4 SIGMA Innovations LLC PO BOX 559 Bally, PA 19503-9998 ©4 SIGMA Innovations LLC - 2020 Bally, PA